I am still in the process of writing the oil painting course, which I still hope to be able to publish in February. It will be an introduction to using water-soluble oil paints.
I'm also considering breaking the watercolour course down into separate sections (a beginners introduction to using watercolours, how to mix colours, how to create different effects and textures etc...) These would be sold available as an alternative to the complete watercolour course. Let me know what you think.
Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and an arty New Year!
My first thought on breaking the watercolor course down into separate sections is, don't. I'm only a few lessons into the watercolor course, but I like the structure and the way you set challenges in front of me. I may not know quite yet how to meet those challenges, but I'm sure I will a few lessons down the road. Breaking the course apart I feel you would lose that 'look ahead' you've built into the full course. A short introductory course to watercolor wouldn't be a bad idea, but I wouldn't remove any of the content from the full course. Both courses should stand alone. (just my humble opinion)
Zed... aka Steve
I think it would be a very good idea too tell people how to mix colours to get the strength you need I have great difficulty with this but have this as a starter on it`s own I have had most of your coures and have found then to be just the thing thank you Edith
As an alternative to the entire course, or a replacement? I think breaking the course into logical sections might be a good idea, both on subject and level. However, others with some experience might like to have the course in entirety. Way back when I took the course, we paid for the course, but it came to us in installments. That was good, as it rather bridled our zeal to complete every lesson in the course in a week's time (smile) The other nice thing about that method is that within the two-week period between receiving lessons, there was plenty of time to work on paintings of our own to incorporate what we learned in a particular lesson. -Robin
Andy I agree with Robin, I'm working with your drawing course and it is the way you send it there's plenty of time to work and 'digest'!
Thank you very much Pity I can't join you in Spain.
Buon lavoro ( Italian is quite similar to Spanish!)
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